You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi there
You: where r you from?
Stranger: california. you?
You: indonesia.
You: f/m?
Stranger: wow. i'm female you?
You: female too :)
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 17, 10 days until 18 :)
You: wow :)
You: cool
Stranger: very :P how old are you?
You: 17 too :)
Stranger: way cool
You: lol
You: by the way, do you know indonesia?
Stranger: well.. i know where it is lol but i've never been there.
You: why?
You: come to indonesia!
You: indonesia is a cool place!
Stranger: haha well if i had the money i would :P i am going to europe this summer.
You: especially its beach
You: woow! cool
You: i've never been there, but I really want to go there
Stranger: yea, this'll be my first time. :) i'm excited. first time i'm leaving the states too
You: haha
You: cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
di disconnect gara2 apa ya? :p haha gara2 ngomongin pariwisata? ahaha
di disconnect gara2 apa ya? :p haha gara2 ngomongin pariwisata? ahaha
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